“Give your baby more formula milk so your baby can sleep better”.

You may have heard this bottle feeding myth from well-intentioned but misguided relatives, confinement nannies or friends. We collate a few bottle feeding myths from local parents and suss out the fact from fiction. Whether you’re feeding formula milk or breastmilk, watch out for the myths below.

Feed your baby the recommended stage of infant formula milk according to your paediatrician’s advice to ensure that your baby is fed adequately and appropriately.

#1:“Feed your baby some water after milk to let your baby get accustomed to the taste of water.

“My mother-in-law assisted me during my confinement period, and she insisted on feeding my newborn with water after every feed. Her reasoning was that children needed to be fed water early on to get used to the taste of water”, recounts Jaclyn, mom to son Keanan, 1 year old.

Not only is this bottle feeding myth untrue, it is dangerous. A newborn’s stomach is tiny and even a small amount of water can dilute the electrolytes in the baby’s bloodstream, leading to serious issues such as low body temperature, seizures and in worse cases, brain damage or death.

#2:“Feeding your baby while she is lying down is more comfortable for both of you.

As a first-time mother to Elysha, Yaz was unsure of the right way to feed her baby, and a relative told her that feeding her baby lying down was the most comfortable for both her baby and her.

The truth is that bottle fed babies should be fed at an incline to prevent painful middle-ear infections. These tips help you keep both you and baby comfortable during bottle feeding.

#3:“Put in more formula to make baby sleep better.

“My confinement nanny, who claimed to be highly experienced, confidently told me that she would add in a bit more formula in the bottle to keep babies fuller for longer. It wasn’t until later that my baby suffered from constipation that I realised it was a wrong practice,” says Esther, mum to daughter,Ellie.

 Formula milk is nutritionally adequate with essential vitamins, minerals and nucleotides for development but it has to be prepared in strict accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions that are found on each tin.Too much formula may cause constipation while watered down formula could create an imbalance of electrolytes in the baby’s bloodstream. Einmilk formula milk is available for babies and toddlers in shops in Singapore, and parents should pick the right stage for their children.

Babies under six months old drink infant formula milk, and do not require any water.

  1. “Formula fed babies don’t bond with their parents.

Mum-of-two Jasmine had a medical condition that prevented her from breastfeeding and used formula milk from the beginning. One of the most hurtful remarks she heard was from an ex-friend who told her that her baby wouldn’t be close to her because she was not breastfeeding.

While breastfeeding has its benefits for both mother and baby, it is not the only way parents can bond with their babies. Bonding can happen in various ways. Singing, cuddling, eye contact, gentle caresses and talking to your baby can build up a strong and unbreakable bond.

What’s the most surprising bottle feeding myth that you’ve heard and debunked? Share it in the comments for other parents to know!