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Tag - baby

Guide to Choosing a High Chair for Your Baby

Babies, Family Fun, Toddlers

At around 6 months of age, you may safely introduce solid foods to your baby and a high chair (or sometimes referred to as “baby chair”) comes in useful when your baby can sit up on his own…

Sleep training for babies: Is it too early to start

Babies, For Parents, Toddlers

Right after birth, your new baby is immediately dependent on you for all his needs, including the need to rest when he is tired. Very often, mothers of very young children look forward to the day when their…

Postnatal Care: Why is it important for mums

Babies, Babies, Family Fun, For Parents

Congratulations on your new baby! As a new mother, you may experience many changes, both physically and mentally. It is therefore important for you to practice good postnatal care and receive necessary support to recover from childbirth as…

Guide to Preparing Infant Formula Milk for Babies

Babies, For Parents, Toddlers

As milk is an infant’s source of diet, it is necessary to be equipped with the knowledge on how to prepare, store and use infant formula to feed our baby. Storing infant formula To avoid contamination and rapid…

How to manage older siblings while breastfeeding

Babies, For Parents, Toddlers, Uncategorized

It’s your second baby and you’re all excited to breastfeed the way you want it to be this time round. You think you’ve got all the techniques down to a T and you’ve diligently taken your supplements and…

Pregnancy Week 33 – 36 

Babies, For Parents, Pregnant, Uncategorized

Congratulations! You are in the eighth month of your pregnancy, which means there’s just one more month to go!    Week 33: Pineapple Your baby is now about the size of a pineapple! He is between 40 and 48cm long and weighs…

Where to Buy Einmilk Formula Milk in Singapore

Babies, Babies, Babies, Babies, For Parents, Health & Nutrition, Health & Nutrition, Pregnant, Pregnant, Toddlers, Toddlers, Toddlers, Toddlers

Whether we are supplementing breastfeeding with formula milk or formula-feeding, as parents, we would try to provide our babies with the most wholesome and nutritious milk, within our means. Einmilk offers complete nutrition with its range of formula…

Pregnancy Week 29 – 32: Welcome to the Third Trimester

Babies, For Parents, Pregnant, Uncategorized

Welcome to the third trimester! In this last lap of pregnancy, one of the symptoms that may return is fatigue. This happens when your body grows larger and makes sleeping difficult. Losing balance and feeling clumsy is something…

How to choose the right infant care centre in Singapore

Babies, Babies, Family Fun, For Parents, Toddlers, Toddlers

In Singapore, infant care centres offer educare services to newborns from 2 months old till 18 months old. It is an option for working parents who are unable to look after their infants during the day. Making the…

Have you heard of these bottle feeding myths?

Babies, For Parents

“Give your baby more formula milk so your baby can sleep better”. You may have heard this bottle feeding myth from well-intentioned but misguided relatives, confinement nannies or friends. We collate a few bottle feeding myths from local…


Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for healthy growth and development of babies. Good maternal nutrition helps sustain an adequate supply and quality of breast milk. Unnecessary introduction of bottle-feeding, partially or fully, or of other complementary foods and drinks may have a negative impact on breastfeeding, which may be irreversible. Consult your doctor and consider the social and financial implications before deciding to use breast milk substitutes or if you have difficulty breastfeeding. Follow usage, preparation and storage instructions of breast milk substitutes or of other complementary foods and drinks carefully as improper or unnecessary use may pose a health hazard.