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In Babies, For Parents on July 24, 2018 - 16:30

“婴儿自动断奶” (BLW)是一种鼓励宝宝自主进食的断奶方式。听起来可能会又脏又乱,但BLW也有一些好处。


  • 除了专门为宝宝蒸制和混合食物外,您还可以把食物分成若干份,一部分给宝宝,一部分添加调料供成人食用。您也可以在宝宝自主进食的时候一起吃!
  • 我们鼓励“婴儿自动断奶”的宝宝能自主进食。这样的话,宝宝就可以自己决定进食的食物和食用量,而传统的勺子喂食是哄骗或强迫宝宝吃完食物。父母认为“婴儿自动断奶”方式能让宝宝了解自己的身体状况,在吃饱的时候就会停止进食。这是调节食欲的基础。
  • 传统的断奶方式给宝宝喂食软食,无需咀嚼。就“婴儿自动断奶”方式而言,宝宝会接触各种不同的食材、形状和口味。宝宝在吞咽前学习如何咀嚼食物。这也会增强他们的下颚肌肉。

















与宝宝一起享受“婴儿自动断奶” 之旅吧!






About the author: webimp

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How to Start Baby Led Weaning: Tips from a Mum of 2

In Babies, For Parents on July 03, 2018 - 16:30,Tags

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a weaning method that encourages babies to self-feed. It may sound messy and scary, but here are some benefits of BLW:


  • Instead of steaming and blending food especially for your baby, you can portion out ingredients for your baby and add seasoning for the adults. You can also eat while baby self-feeds!
  • BLW babies are encouraged to self-feed. By doing so, they get to determine what and how much to consume, rather than being coaxed or forced into finishing their food with traditional spoon feeding. With BLW, parents trust that babies know their own bodies and will stop eating once they are full. It is the basis of regulating their appetite.
  • Babies on traditional weaning are fed soft foods which do not require chewing. For BLW, babies are exposed to a variety of different textures, shapes and tastes. The babies learn how to chew their food before swallowing. This strengthens their jaw muscles as well.

Crinkle cut vegetables for an appealing appearance and make it easier for baby-led weaning babies to hold.


Before attempting BLW, you should ensure that your baby is ready for it. Look out for these signs before starting as safety is of priority:

Once your baby is ready, you can start! BLW does not have to be as messy as people think. For easy cleanups, lay a large picnic mat on the floor below the high chair and use a high chair which is light and easy to hose down (this is popular among mothers).

Babies below the age of one should never be fed honey or nuts due to the risk of botulism and a risk of choking respectively. Other foods with possible allergens include egg and shellfish (crabs, shrimp, clams, lobsters etc).

Baby Led Weaning encourages babies to choose healthier foods.


As a rule of thumb, foods prepared for BLW should be soft enough to squish between your thumb and index finger. Some popular first foods for BLW babies include avocados, banana, steamed carrots and broccoli.

It is best to ensure that food is cut in strips about the length of your index finger for babies to grip easily. If you are offering spherical foods such as grapes or strawberries, cut them lengthwise into quarters to prevent choking.

Prepare about three or four types of food for your baby to explore. Lay the food on the high chair tray or on a placemat and do not intervene in the process by holding the food to your baby’s mouth.

Don’t fret if your baby rejects the food or worry if he or she is not eating much. Milk should still be the main source of nutrients until they turn one year old. As such, it is more for them to explore the foods and be introduced to solid food.

Baby Led Weaning strengthens fine motor coordination by learning how to grasp food and put it into their mouths.


A huge concern for parents when deciding to embark on BLW is that their babies will choke and whether their babies are able to chew food without teeth. To counter this, ensure that you take note of the choking hazards and do not attempt BLW if your baby is not physiologically ready for it.

It may be frightening if your baby gags, but this is entirely normal. When food travels to the back of the throat, a gag reflex occurs and the baby will try to force the food out. It is important to stay calm and not panic when a baby is gagging as it is a normal process.

The important thing is to look out for choking. If a baby is choking, he or she will be unable to breathe, cry, cough or make any noise. Thus, it is essential that the main caregiver is aware of basic infant first aid techniques for choking.

Enjoy the baby led weaning journey with your baby!


With love,

A mummy of 2 baby-led weaning babies


Let us know what you think about BLW, or if you’ve attempted it with your child before in the comments!

About the author: webimp

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Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for healthy growth and development of babies. Good maternal nutrition helps sustain an adequate supply and quality of breast milk. Unnecessary introduction of bottle-feeding, partially or fully, or of other complementary foods and drinks may have a negative impact on breastfeeding, which may be irreversible. Consult your doctor and consider the social and financial implications before deciding to use breast milk substitutes or if you have difficulty breastfeeding. Follow usage, preparation and storage instructions of breast milk substitutes or of other complementary foods and drinks carefully as improper or unnecessary use may pose a health hazard.