It’s the last stage of the second trimester! If you are a pregnant mum in Singapore, and are between 24 to 28 week-long, you will be offered an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test to determine if you have gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to tolerate glucose during pregnancy. If the results show that you have gestational diabetes, you will need to modify your diet according to the dietician’s advice and make changes to your lifestyle. Otherwise, read on to see what you can expect during this pregnancy phase!

Week 25: Cauliflower

At Week 25, your baby is the size of a cauliflower. Most of your baby’s vital organs have been formed and your baby’s skin is becoming less translucent. Your baby is active, vigorous and responds to touch and sound. At this stage, you will be able to feel it when your baby is startled.

You may be experiencing a hardening or tightening of the uterus. This is known as Braxton Hicks contractions, and it usually does not cause any pain. It lasts between 30 seconds to 2 minutes and it serves its purpose as “practice contractions”.

Week 26: Kale

Baby is starting to take breaths of amniotic fluid in preparation for life outside the womb. Your baby has already begun to grow eyelashes and his or her pretty eyes will start to open soon. Isn’t that amazing?

Your baby will be going through a major growth spurt, so you have to ensure that you take in enough nutrients to keep your little one growing healthily. Staying hydrated is key in Singapore’s warm and humid climate too. One of the common issues expectant mothers experience at this stage is swelling in feet, legs and hands, which is normal. However, as severe or sudden swelling is a sign of preeclampsia, inform your gynaecologist if this happens to you.

During pregnancy, dads can talk to your baby too!

 Week 27: Lettuce

 Week 27 of the pregnancy is often defined as the last week of the second trimester! Your baby’s lungs have developed but are still immature. Premature babies at this stage have a great chance of survival with modern clinical healthcare advancements, but not to worry, as most mothers will be able to carry their babies to full term. If your baby takes in amniotic fluid and hiccups, you will be able to feel this too! Some mothers have described this feeling as “bubbly”.

At Week 27, your baby bump could be too big for your normal clothes to accommodate. You can consider choosing maternity clothes that flatters your bump and also doubles up as nursing wear!

Along with comfortable maternity wear, consider switching your shoes to a pair of support shoes to prevent accidental ankle sprains, which can be inconvenient during pregnancy. Leg or feet cramps and swollen ankles are common too, so having comfortable support for your new body weight during pregnancy helps make it a more enjoyable journey for you, mummy.

Baby is the size of an eggplant at around week 28 of your pregnancy – wow!

Week 28: Eggplant

In this week, expect your baby to open his or her eyes for the first time in utero! You won’t be able to see it, but you can ask for a 4D ultrasound scan, if your obstetrician provides one. Now the size of an eggplant, your baby continues piling on the kilos to smooth out wrinkles on his or her body.

You may experience shortness of breath as your baby grows bigger and seems to push your lungs and diaphragm. Be sure to take frequent rests if you experience discomfort or any pain. Staying active throughout the pregnancy by doing simple prenatal exercises can help you cope better with the labour process. Try out these simple exercises that you can attempt even at home!

What was the most uncomfortable pregnancy symptom you’ve experienced? Let us know in the comments!